1:1 Travel Companions
The highest level of supervision available is a dedicated, 1:1 Travel Companion** who cares for a single Traveler. This could be for behavior-based issues, such as when a Traveler requires constant supervision and frequent redirection. Or it could be for physical needs and mobility issues, the most common of which is travelers who use a wheelchair and require more assistance with personal cares and eating.
In our experience, Travelers who require 1:1 assistance have the very best vacation experience when their dedicated 1:1 Travel Companion is someone they already know and who is familiar with their specific needs. Ideally, this would be an existing agency staff or a family member. 1:1 Travel Companions share a room with their Traveler, and only care for that single Traveler.
* * Travelers who need 1:1 assistance must bring their own dedicated caregiver. There is an additional fee required for the 1:1 Travel Companion. The additional fee on bus trips for a 1:1 Travel Companion is 50% of the trip cost.